Eric Chaim Kline, Bookseller - Old and Rare Books

Eric Chaim Kline, Bookseller - Old and Rare Books
Item #32727 Fritz Kredel: Das buchkünstlerische Werk in Deutschland und Amerika. Ronald Salter.
Fritz Kredel: Das buchkünstlerische Werk in Deutschland und Amerika
Fritz Kredel: Das buchkünstlerische Werk in Deutschland und Amerika
Fritz Kredel: Das buchkünstlerische Werk in Deutschland und Amerika

Fritz Kredel: Das buchkünstlerische Werk in Deutschland und Amerika

Rudolstadt: burgart-presse, 2003. Deluxe edition (Vorzugsausgabe). Hardcover. 1 of 30 copies signed by author, showing work by the brilliant graphic designer, which appeared in German and American publications. Book, mounted limitation leaf & seven woodcuts by Kredel resting in green paper-covered clamshell box with paste-down cover plate and red lettering on spine. Edges of box in black. Clamshell box designed by Ludwig Vater. Woodcuts reproduced from the originals, tagged on heavy card stock (12 1/4" 16 1/4") & displayed on passe-partout. Five of the prints appeared in the 1930 published "Das Blumenbuch" (the flower book) by Kredel and Rudolf Koch: 1. Löwenzahn (Dandelion), 2. Waldrispengras (wood bluegrass), 3. Fingerhut (foxglove), 4. lanzellblättrige Kratzdistel (spear thistle), 5. Waldkerbel (wild chervil). The remaining two prints show all zodiac signs. One of the zodiac sign prints published for the first time. Dandelion and one zodiac sign plate colored by Winfried Henkel and Hermann Zapf, remaining prints in b/w. Prints measure 9 1/4" x 12".

Book: Signed by Ronald Salter on colophon. 4to. 214,[2]pp. Half vellum over orange paper-covered boards with printed paste-down cover plate. Frontispiece showing a portrait of the artist, ca. 1930. Profusely illustrated with color and b/w photographic reproductions of Kredel's work as well as reproductions of b/w photographs. Contents: Vorwort / Der Buchkünstler Fritz Kredel: Der Künstler zwischen zwei Welten / Offenbacher Lehr- und Meisterjahre / Illustrierte Märchen / Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Militaria / Belletristik / Sachliteratur / Fritz Kredel im Kontext der Buchkunst / Anmerkungen / Biographische Daten. Bibliographie des buchkünstlerischen Werkes: Zur Anlage der Bibliographie. 1. Illustrationen für Bücher und Mappenwerke sowie für Texte in Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden. 2. Einbände, Schutzumschläge, Überzugpapiere und Titeleien. 3. Arbeiten außerhalb des buchkünstlerischen Bereichs. 4. Texte von Fritz Kredel (ohne Illustrationen). Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen über Fritz Kredel. Register zur Bibliographie. Text in German. Item #32727
ISBN: 391020645X

One of 30 deluxe editions showing some of the work by one of the finest German graphic designers of the 20th century. In his early years, Kredel studied under the famous Rudolf Koch at the Offenbach School of Design. Koch and Kredel collaborated on A Book of Signs (1923) and The Book of Flowers (1930). He produced illustrations and designs for over 400 books, including Eleanor Roosevelt's children book Christmas, The Complete Anderson: All of the Stories of Hans Christian Anderson, World's Best Fairy Tales for Readers Digest, and many others. Kredel was also commissioned to create a woodcut of the Presidential Seal for the inauguration of JFK. Clamshell box, prints and book in fine condition.

Price: $750.00

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